Because the eggs take several weeks to hatch, we only sell chicks to get in touch!
Day-old ducklings: From £6 each.
Goslings: From £10 each.
NB: At this age, all birds are unsexed!
Drakes & Ganders
Unlike cockrels, male ducks and geese are not too difficult to keep together. As a result, we are not desperate to get rid of our extra boys. That being said, our male ducks and gees are normally
still cheaper than the females.
Silver Appleyard
Large sized ducks, bred for both meat and eggs.
Limited egg production.
Enjoy swimming, so ideal if you have a pond.
Come in either White or Khaki (pictured).
Excellent Layers. (Can out-perform some chickens)
Do not need a pond, but will enjoy access to water.
Very friendly if raised from young.
Ideal for families.
Embden Geese
Adults mate for life. (Solitary geese not recomended)
Can lay up to 40 eggs per year, starting in January/February. (Will likely try to hatch young)